But Did You Die?

As I have inconsistently worked out over the past many years, one thing has always remained consistent. As I would struggle to catch my break and was ready to give up, the trainer would say some encouraging words. At the end of the round, I’d hear, “But did you die? No? Then keep going!”

There have been so many times that I have just wanted to quit because I was feeling defeated or thought that I wasn’t enough. No, I didn’t die. I definitely struggled but it’s been a battle to keep going.

Keep Going!

It’s going to be hard. You may need to make some modifications but it’s important that you keep going.

What do you want to accomplish? Think about what your goals are, what your dreams are. Strive toward those.

Think about all that you have accomplished to date. You have already done so much! Keep going!

Even at the beginning of your journey, when you feel like you aren’t seeing any progress or the progress that you were hoping for, just remember that you started!

You may have to pause the workout for a longer break and that’s okay. You may have to be like Joseph here and even fake a nap. Listen to what your body needs.

Snap Out of It

But did I die? This was crazy enough of a statement to snap me out of that moment to realize just how much I had accomplished. No, I didn’t die. I was thoroughly exhausted and busy trying to catch my breath. I knew I still had a pulse. I knew I probably looked like a tomato. But I didn’t die. Instead, I gained the strength to keep going, and I hope that is enough for you too.

You aren’t dead and you are going to rock your journey!

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One Comment

  1. Love the encouraging message that we all need to hear. I love when writers use personal examples in their stories it makes you and your message so relatable to your audience.

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